
Another short flight and we left the Banana Bungalow (leaving young Matt behind!) to head for Kauai. We'd heard it was very quiet and not much to do so we changed our flights so we came back to Waikiki a couple of days earlier. However, when we got there it was a completely different story! We're talking Jurassic Park country. We got a rental car and got drenched in some completely uncalled for tropical rain, we headed for Wailua falls which was so beautiful. The next day was a trip to Waimea canyon, a bit like the Grand but smaller, greener and more waterfalls (bonus!). We then saw something called a Spouting Horn! I'll leave that up to the imagination until I get a snap on here! Once again this was an amazing place and you can see why so many films are shot on Kauai. The last day in Kauai was a trip to the North shore of the island to a place called Ke'e beach. Not that I watch Lost, but Im told that this place is exactly like what you see on the programme. Its so so pretty and less touristy than anywhere else. We got our hiking boots on again and did a 4mile walk to this secluded beach in the scorching heat. It was hard to describe (which is why Im annoyed I cant get photos up at the moment!). The whole island is pretty much picture perfect and in my opinion a lot nicer than Maui. The only problem with this place is the hostel..and not the accommodation. I mean the owner! He was definitely a few cards short of a deck...when he starts telling you that he's an elf when you're merely trying to eat your Frosties in the morning, you have to be a bit concerned. Also, despite the fact that he was twice my age, he made major moves on me while I was stranded out in the garden as Kate and Tom happily watched the American Idol final..little did they know what trouble I was in! I'll say no more, but he did offer me a job. I think we all know where he can shove that! Back to Waikiki!
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