
For those of you unaware, San Diego is pretty much just a suburb of Tijuana, Mexico, and with it being only half an hour away it would be a crime to miss out on a trip to the centre of all things cheap and boozy. Under the guidance of Chris and a couple of other stragglers we set off on a bus and then a tram down towards the border. It mostly involved a few million coronas between us all and being hassled by street kids to buy local homemade treats such as chewing gum, bracelets and general tack. We managed to escape any brushes with the Mexicano police but we did manage to severly aggravate one of our party (the one FOOL, who decided not to drink, called Graham) which resulted in him storming off back to the US border complete with childs guitar and ear buds in hand (yes...he thought 'ok I'm going to Mexico so I'm gonna buy ear buds'...error). A few more coronas later and we were in a massive queue to get back to the hallowed soil of the USA.
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