Back to the mecca

We checked back in to the Polynesian Hostel in Waikiki, our last ever hostel! Personally I can't think of a better place to end the trip as I absolutely love it here and the people are so friendly and up for a laugh. The first night we checked in in the afternoon then headed to Mooses, a bar which has a killer happy 'hour'. I think we concerned the waitress with the rate that we were knocking back the Mai Tais (we kept ordering everytime she walked past I guess!). We kept on abusing the happy hour in the form of cocktails, shots and then by that point we were pretty much gone. I say this because apparently I was involved in yet another dance off with some random guy and my moves did not allow anyone else on the dance floor, due to the complexity of my stylings you appreciate. One of those nights where we don't remember how we got home. We were certainly feeling it the next day but we soldiered on, hair of the dog and all those other excuses to keep drinking. There are 2 lads, Aaron and Scott, who work at the hostel who are doing a documentary about making a female porn movie. Interesting...essentially it was a chance to get all us girlies drunk and ask intrusive questions...oh and be filmed doing it. Kate and Tom then retired to bed, I think they were just about done in. The next thing I know however is that a group of us are sitting on the beach, someone is doing some tricks with fire...then a few of us felt the urge for a skinny dip! It was ok until the HPD stopped and shone their headlights at us!

Another short flight and we left the Banana Bungalow (leaving young Matt behind!) to head for Kauai. We'd heard it was very quiet and not much to do so we changed our flights so we came back to Waikiki a couple of days earlier. However, when we got there it was a completely different story! We're talking Jurassic Park country. We got a rental car and got drenched in some completely uncalled for tropical rain, we headed for Wailua falls which was so beautiful. The next day was a trip to Waimea canyon, a bit like the Grand but smaller, greener and more waterfalls (bonus!). We then saw something called a Spouting Horn! I'll leave that up to the imagination until I get a snap on here! Once again this was an amazing place and you can see why so many films are shot on Kauai. The last day in Kauai was a trip to the North shore of the island to a place called Ke'e beach. Not that I watch Lost, but Im told that this place is exactly like what you see on the programme. Its so so pretty and less touristy than anywhere else. We got our hiking boots on again and did a 4mile walk to this secluded beach in the scorching heat. It was hard to describe (which is why Im annoyed I cant get photos up at the moment!). The whole island is pretty much picture perfect and in my opinion a lot nicer than Maui. The only problem with this place is the hostel..and not the accommodation. I mean the owner! He was definitely a few cards short of a deck...when he starts telling you that he's an elf when you're merely trying to eat your Frosties in the morning, you have to be a bit concerned. Also, despite the fact that he was twice my age, he made major moves on me while I was stranded out in the garden as Kate and Tom happily watched the American Idol final..little did they know what trouble I was in! I'll say no more, but he did offer me a job. I think we all know where he can shove that! Back to Waikiki!
Iao valley

Here's where Maui gets beautiful! Apologies we dont have any photos at the moment, my comp is getting a bit moody. We went for a short (once again uphill) hike into this valley and saw some amazing views and loads and loads of waterfalls! Brilliant! It was one of the nicest places we'd been on Maui so we were happy! After that we were so hot we went for a dip in a freshwater river. Oooh brisk!
Makena beach's 'hidden' suprise!

On Sunday after the STUPID hike we spent the day at Makena beach, or as the locals call it 'Big beach'. We spent a while there and then just before sunset we made it over to 'Little beach'...its over a little rocky hill but a lot more secluded. Whats the appeal of said beach? Its clothing optional. Yet not in a good way, most of the people partaking were far too old to show anyone except themselves their naked arses. There was a huge crowd and before we knew it some naked chick came up to us and offered us something distinctly herbal! We declined but then a jagerbomb later we got a bit more involved in the form of dancing, flame throwing, there was even a band! Im not quite sure why but Kate and I went in the sea at sunset and decided to get naked. Next thing we know the prying eyes of Tom and Matt have led them into the sea as well, and err..we all got naked! Haha! Good fun. After sunset we went home and left the naked freaks to have a good time.
Curse the volcano!

Saturday morning was a very early affair.. we all set out about 8.30 to do some hike into a volcano crater, and the whole affair would take about 12 hours. We were in van number 2, driven by the hostel 'stud' Alexi. When we were about half way up to the start of the hike...the van conked out. Crisis management by militant Paul meant that we were going to cut the million mile hike into merely a half a million mile job. Kate and I weren't complaining, I think we half heartedly signed up for it knowing that we would hate it and moan all day and show everyone how fit the Wendy's diet has made us. The walk down was pretty cool, it was all downhill and we got to see some fab views. However, the walk up was another story. It was at least 2 hours in the baking heat with no shade practically vertical up this stupid slope (ok I was the main moaner). Tom got fed up with our snail pace so set off on a mission to the top, even passing the USF girls soccer team. Good lad. Kate and myself? We came in nearly last, just in front of crazy Nan and 'the turtle toucher' (who are both probs over 50). Well done girls!
Mai Tai city

Its an undeniable fact that Brits can drink..and team GB were on form last night. There was a promise of $1 Mai Tais, yet we thought we'd go one step further. How about $6 for a LITRE! Ha ha! We were in our element. We couldn't stop at one each either...we had to push the boundaries (of time mostly), we missed the sunset (the whole point we were there) due to our drunken states and then bundled into the van, much to the horror of everyone else who found our dancing to 'American Pie' hilarous. This then led to much hot tub action..and some worrying admissions from our young companion, Matt (now named Twiglet).

We jumped on the plane at Honolulu to take a flight that laasted all of 20 minutes! Not even long enough to peruse the duty free! We arrived at the Banana Bungalow, which is in a 'town' called Wailuku. I use the term loosely because it consists essentially of 2 roads and there's zero life after 10pm. The one bonus of the hostel is that it has tours of the island everyday. The first day we went snorkeling on a beach that we later found out had a shark warning, nice to know. We saw loads of cool fish and coral though. The next day we tried snorkeling again, to see some turtles. Kate and I got a bit freaked out by the choppiness of the water (the weather here has been pretty bad), but Tom made it out to see the turtles and had a wicked time swimming with the fishes! We've seen black sand beaches (not worth the hype!) and some fab spots to swim and spend some time. This is the life!
The North Shore

We hadn't quite done justice to the island of Oahu and we needed a trip to the surfers paradise that is, the North shore. Under normal circumstances if Kate and I needed a car we'd end up with a brand spanking new impala, we leave it to Tom, Dave and Matt (new recruit too young to feature in boozy photos) and what do they bring back? A Jeep that resembles a piece of crap, has lost the will to lock itself, and the only security we have is plastic velcro windows. Regardless it DID make it to the North Shore and we had a day spent watching the surfers, with the lads even having a go. Each one of them seemed to start out on the boogie board, reach the water, then were flung 10ft high into the waves. Wonderful.
New recruits!

I got a few frequent flyer miles to the Dawghouse, yet unfortunately according to some joker, 'my humps' is now not on regular playlists, so we were forced to put down some Brit moves dancing to what all the cool kids are at the moment. A few of the new recruits L to R moi, Kate, Tom, Dave (UK), Rene (Canada), Wes (USA), Steve (the most annoying Aussie we've ever met), Likeke (Hawaiian...supposedly). We all enjoyed the Jagerbombs, put it that way!
Diamond Head Point

After Pearl Harbour, Kate, Tom, new recruit Dave, and myself felt adventurous and 'hiked' (as those pesky yanks like to call a short walk) up to Diamond Head Point. Its about a 3 hour walk up to the top and back and you get a killer view of Waikiki. We were so knackered cos it was SO HOT (just to reemphasise how jealous you should be), yet it was worth it. Kate and I lagged slightly behind the 2 lads who went storming off, but we all managed to make it, and at the end we were rewarded with a bit of 'local produce' in the form of shave ice. Its basically mashed up ice with flavouring. Call it what you like we were hotter than the sun!
Work hard and play hard!

The venue..the Dawghouse. The recruits..myself, Kate, Tom, Dave (Brit), Matt (Brit), Wes (yank), Likeke (Hawaiian), Liz (the hottest girl I've ever seen...German!), 2 Irish lads..the list goes on and on! They are a really decent bunch in the hostel and I've ended up in this club about 3 nights in a row now! Kate and I have introduced the Jagerbombs that went down so well on the mainland, to the group. Good work girls! We had some crazy drinking game last night..2 teams, 1 cup each, lots of 'cocktail' (contents; unknown) and having to down it then flip it upside down. A lot more complicated to explain than to actually do! Is the black hair growing on anyone yet?! If I hear I look like a witch one more time I'm lodging a complaint with Nice n Easy.
Pearl Harbour

On Saturday morning some of us from the hostel went to Pearl Harbour and the USS Arizona memorial. It was all quite moving and interesting to see it from an American's perspective. We had a video explaining what happened, and then we got a boat out to the USS Arizona memorial. Its a white building that is built on top of the sunken battleship, which is considered a tomb for many of the people that didnt get out of the boat. You could still see leaking oil from the boat which is crazy, yet it was a well thought out memorial.
Come on..admit you're jealous

On Tuesday we left dreary LA and jetted to Honolulu, with the wonder that is 'King Kong' to entertain us on the plane! We are staying in Waikiki at the moment which is absolutely beautiful. There's not really much else I can say, it is just such a fantastic place, the people are wonderful and the sun is HOT HOT HOT! Tom had a bit of jet lag so the first couple of days were fairly relaxing..a spot of surfing and sun bathing. However the first night proved rather hazardous, engaging in a Mai Tai party which resulted in me getting rather merry and making friends with the locals (ie a 38 year old guy called Likeke) and going for a drunken walk on the beach! Ha ha! The hostel has arranged loads of things to do, one of them being a booze cruise. For those of you familiar with the typical Geogsoc boat ball scheme of things, I was assuming a fairly dry affair. Yet of course there was a twist, it was a catamaran and we were sitting in prime position in the 'splash zone'. We sailed out getting a fab view back of Waikiki and Diamond Head point and started getting a little worried when our feet got wet. Tip of the iceburg my friends. We ended up soaked head to toe but with $1 Mai tai's on board I didnt really care. It was one of the best things we've done, it was so wicked!!
I thought we said a SHADE darker

Yep, given that the Nice and Easy box stated that it was 'Natural Darkest Brown', it looks like it meant the darkest bit a tad more than the brown, ahem, LIE. Despite the interesting black marks that I now have all over my neck and hairline (sideburns still intact for those keeping tabs), I'm growing to like the new colour. If this picture shows nothing else, just check out the decor in the Tudor House tearoom...just like home baby!
Beautifying: Stage 1

As we speak, Kate is preening herself for the imminent arrival of Tom, stage one of this was a couple of days ago however. Once again it is time for the roots to be touched up, Kate with Barbie blonde and in my case, attempt a 'shade' darker than my usual brown. Notice how the dye seemed to take on a life of its own and resemble an Elvis-like coiff complete with side burns. The dancing is all me though.
Beans beans the musical fruit...take 2

Yes, ok, we know we could get this in Britain, but we are fed up of Yank food..and LA to be honest! We've been here for 2 weeks and the sun has only shown its face ONCE! Once I tell thee, this is supposed to be California! We have had enough of freaks in the hostel/beach/pier/shopping mall/anywhere in public/anywhere in private, so we have worn out our welcome at the 'Tudor House' tea room in pursuit of reacquainting ourselves with a bit of Brit culture. Seriously, in LA everyone seems to have arrived trying to 'make it big', but then that dream died a death about 5 years ago and now they find themselves asleep on the grass by the Santa Monica Pier, with a shopping 'cart' full of their belongings, sleeping mostly during the day and taking on nocturnal habits in an attempt to protect their 'house' of left behind crap, and usually fashioning a black bin liner. This is LA baby!
"it smells like Jesters!!"

Snakebite black of an afternoon to while away the hours. Ah the was a BRIT pub of course!
Santa Monica Geriatric Ward
We had a another dicey drive with 'Marat', the Frenchy who nearly killed us in his 'Death Mobile' on the way to 6 flags at the weekend, all the way to Santa Monica. The area is SO much nicer than the seedy sex shop lined streets of Hollywood, our hostel is right by the beach, and is a real turn up for the books. So whats the catch..our roomates. We've learnt there is much you can tell from a person by the stuff they keep by their beds. Case number 1: Has a huge tub of 'Muscle Milk' and many library books, they seem settled, this is worrying. Case number 2: Has a shin pad, medicine and a medical pillow. We realised we had stumbled onto the geriatric ward of the HI Santa Monica. When they showed up one of them had a walking stick and her alarm went off at 5.30 am, yet her 32 decibel snoring kept her from hearing the alarm. The other was pushing 70 I swear and gets up at 6.30 every day (bit of lie in by comparison) essentially to rustle carrier bags and pack and repack her bags, then a bit more rustling, followed by a symphony of rustling as a climax. There are countless other freaks in the hostel which Im sure you're tired of hearing about, but there are a couple worthy of bloggage. There was a complete fruit loop who took such a shine to Kate we had to resort to our 'fake conversation' to prevent him from harassing her further. He got up, went off and then walked into a wall. Then there was another guy who DARED to interrupt the episode of Friends with Ross being a 'neat cool guy' with the loudest fart ever. Then at a BBQ yesterday the halls were echoing as he let out a massive burp. So what else have we been up to besides freak watching? We've become frequent visitors to Old Navy and bought out the shop, and we even went on the world famous ferris wheel on Santa Monica Pier. We even tried the ricketty rollercoaster, and with only 4 of us on it, it was pretty good!
Beauty queens need their pampering

We're in Hollywood and gearing up for some possible major acting projects...maybe a walk on part in a Wendy's ad? We can dream! In preparation for our debuts, we had to get a bit of face mask action, which during the 10 minute beautifying waiting period, I think the exfoliant went to our heads...see pictures. We were however scuppered by Miss Korea with her monopoly of the bathroom when it came to wash off time!