
I can't believe it, but its all over! After a mammoth journey home and having our night turned into day, we are finally back in the UK...where it is supposedly summer! We have had the time of our lives and have so many different memories and stories from the past 5 months to tell the Grandkids! Thank you all for checking the blog and keeping in touch with us whilst we've been away, its made it all worthwhile! Kate is starting a job as a receptionist next week (no rest for the wicked), and I'm probably going to be coaching tennis in the Med in a months time. So I guess this is goodbye! Its been emotional!!! Lots of love, Kat and Kate xxxxx
Ohhhhh.... your home!
Thought we'd get you girlies here at the farm, before you headed home!!! (sigh)...perhaps some other time when you're back near Boston...
On the other hand, Glenn and I are so happy you continued on your journies and had the experiences, that will last a lifetime, for sure! (the tradgedy in Key West, I think we'd all like to forget about that.. however, when it's brought to mind, we'll think of one another with fondness and love and gratitude that you both survived that horriffic ordeal)...
(it will make for fantastic stories for the Grandkids, that's for sure)... We're sure not going to forget our 25th Anniversary! Ever!
The gift from that trip for us, was having met you both.. we now, have two "daughters of the heart"..
When you think of all the things you got to see and experience, we pray, that you look back with fondness and realize that there are many beautiful people along lifes way... God places us in each others lives for a reason ~ we're so pleased you had fun and continued on!!! and, we're very proud of you!!
The best to both of you in all you do ~ keep the blog going for future reference.. we'd love to see Kat teaching tennis and Kate... at your job ~ perhaps some photos of your families?? Give that some thought.. we so enjoyed living vicariously through your adventures~~~ (smile)
We only wish we got you both here to spend some time with us at the farm.. (promise we'd not have you work).. you could have eaten our famous cider donuts, had our award winning apple cider... pick strawberries... relax in the hot tub at our new home.... we'd of spoiled you rotten!!!
In two weeks, it's our son Chadd's graduation!! off to college in the fall!!!
oh well, we'll be keeping in touch with you beauties and were thankful you are now home safe with friends and family ~
You've always a "family" here that loves you and you can visit anytime!
Our love to you both, Kate and Kat... to your parents, and friends as well and we only wish we were there having fun at the welcome home parties!!! Our best to you in your jobs and in all you do!!
Much love to you both,
Always, Karen & Glenny
aka/ "Ma & Pa"...from Cider Hill Farm ~ Massachusetts!
kat, you bring a tear to my eye.
hey have you got my email? im not sur if it was the right address or not.. anyway, i've updated my blog a little - im in hawai'i now.
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