
I can't believe it, but its all over! After a mammoth journey home and having our night turned into day, we are finally back in the UK...where it is supposedly summer! We have had the time of our lives and have so many different memories and stories from the past 5 months to tell the Grandkids! Thank you all for checking the blog and keeping in touch with us whilst we've been away, its made it all worthwhile! Kate is starting a job as a receptionist next week (no rest for the wicked), and I'm probably going to be coaching tennis in the Med in a months time. So I guess this is goodbye! Its been emotional!!! Lots of love, Kat and Kate xxxxx
Last days in Paradise

The last few days of our trip were spent lounging around Waikiki, sitting on the beach, drinking, oh and we attracted another new recruit, Jamie (girl) another young 'un from the UK. On our last night we went to the beach with a Jagerbomb in hand and watched the beautiful sunset and reminisced about the trip, and poured out a little liquor for all our homies we've met on the trip but couldn't be there. We then spent the night finishing off all the alchohol we'd accumulated, and I ended up going to some weird bar with some lads from the hostel. Our shuttle was at 3am so I just kept on going til the bitter end, as Kate and Tom snatched an hour or two of kip (probs a good idea!).